Courtney Arlesia

Beloved, I pray that you BLOOM…

To bloom is to peak, to flourish, to thrive…to GLOW. 

When I think about the word bloom I think about my plant that I named Ahava, which stands for love in Hebrew. I received this plant as well as another succulent from my amazing hairdresser/friend. My other plant didn’t survive and I decided to let her go. However, Ahava has been standing strong. I recently posted the picture above on Instagram and I acknowledged her beauty by affirming:

Ahava’s growth through adversity, chaos, and confusion.

Ahava’s growth through the lack of being watered.

Ahava’s growth while dead leaves were falling all around her.

Ahava’s growth in a space that she’s outgrown.

I must admit that it’s been fulfilling to watch her grow…to bloom, because watching her journey feels as though I’m looking in the mirror.

In twelve days, I will be celebrating my 30th birthday. When I look back over the 30 years of my life, I am reminded of how I’ve prevailed through many conditions that were designed to fail me, just like Ahava.

 I’ve loved and I’ve lost.

I’ve carried children in my womb but never had the opportunity to hold them in my arms.

I’ve made countless mistakes.

I’ve been hurt and I’ve hurt others unintentionally and intentionally.

I’ve experienced an overwhelming amount of love, joy, freedom, and even experienced an overwhelming amount of pain.

I’ve been lost, confused, and uncertain.

I’ve questioned my walk and relationship with God.

I’ve managed to flourish in spaces that no longer served me.

Trauma should be my middle name the way it has attached itself to my life.

BUT… in every season and every condition I have triumphed. Because in every season there has always been a blessing and a reason to bloom.

I am wiser, I am stronger, and I am better.

30 is a beautiful milestone that I am so grateful and honored to meet.  And the journey only gets better from here. Trust me, I know I still have many more seasons to voyage through. However, it is my duty to myself to continue to bloom. When I received Ahava she was just one small flower, now she has blossomed to many. When we allow ourselves to bloom, we allow space for everything and everyone around us to bloom too.

Beloved, I pray that you bloom. As delicate as you are may you bloom when the rain won’t stop pouring, when it keeps coming use it as nourishment to fill you up to get through the harsh conditions in every season. There is purpose in the process of blooming and I pray that you extend yourself grace, love, and kindness on your journey.

With love,

Courtney Arlesia

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